Senin, 27 Juli 2020

GRADE 11th - Opinion


Lintang Wuri Safitri 

Theme : Opinion about 14 mandatory subjects at school
Characters : Uwi as student of mathematics and science class, Ruby as student of social class


*Uwi greets Ruby in canteen*

Ruby : "Hi Wi! How are you doing now?"

Uwi : "Hey! Pretty good so far."

Ruby :  "Where were you by using that lab coat?"

Uwi : "I came from biology class. I was having a practicum about human cell."

Ruby : "Wow. is that really hard as I thought? Well especially I am guessing haha."

Uwi : "It is truly hard. So many things to remember about its structure. But also fun to learn. By the way, how about you? What was your last subject?"

Ruby : "I had geography and history classes. I didn't catch neither of them. It isn't really my passion at. But I will try my best."

Uwi : "Hm. well, I also thought I enter the wrong class since day 1 of school. But I make myself to enjoy every kind of subjects."

Ruby : "Have you been regret going to school which has Indonesian curriculum?"

Uwi : "I have. Sometimes I do."

Ruby : "What's your opinion on it?" (asking opinion)

Uwi : "In my point of view, mathematics could be helping a lot of stuffs in daily activity. with chemistry, I could know which thing is dangerous, and which one is safer to use. English subject helps me to realized that in this world, we have to know several languages to make a big relation around the world. But furthermore, will I use another 11 subjects in my life? Why should I go deep into physics, etc meanwhile I already know they ain't gonna be my passion though. I love studying. What I have said before, doesn't mean I hate my school's system. But do you think what I think of it? How about your opinion By?" (giving opinion and asking opinion)

Ruby : "I see yours. For me, we aren't going to use all of them, perhaps. But trust me 14 mandatory subjects are not that hard to do, Wi! I know maybe you catch that just as formality to get diploma/certificate of highschool. But it expands our knowledges which help us a lot." (giving opinion)

Uwi : "Ya so that would be true."

Ruby : "Wow it is already 12.30 o'clock. I have to go back to my school right now! See you when I see you Uwi. Let's talk about it soon."

Uwi : "Okay! See ya."

Minggu, 12 Juli 2020

GRADE 11th - Suggestions and Offers Conversation

Name : Lintang Wuri Safitri
Class : XI MIPA 7

Topic of Conversation : Career
Characters : Ruby, and Uwi

What's My Passion?

*The last semester in University of Gadjah Mada. Ruby and Uwi have been deciding to join Faculty of Business and Economy with Management as their major*

Ruby : "Morning, Wi! How do you do?"

Uwi : "Hey! How do you do. Why do you look so sad today? Can I help you something maybe? (offer)"

Ruby : "Honestly I'd cried last night. I felt choosing our future career is stressing."

Uwi : "Yes I do think so. But we could just let everything flow by the time (suggestion). Furthermore, don't make it more difficult though."

Ruby : "I mean we will have done this last semester. And others are making their CV as good as they can. They also already know which company they will go to. Meanwhile I don't know nothing."

Uwi : "You just in the common position for now. But I think it doesn't really matter, comparing ourselves with others. I suggest you seeing and finding your passion, then trying to make a big relation with people outside (suggestion). It would help you finding your career easily!"

Ruby : "Ah thank you for all of your suggestions. And How about you, Uwi?"

Uwi : "I already planned it. Since we are in management major, I wanna sign up to Loreal Paris company in USA as CEO of marketing. But not really sure since it ain't as easy as I know before."

Ruby : "That's awesome Wi. I also thought to be manager, CEO, or some kind like that. but..."

Uwi : "Well. My father has a few friends who work at a mining company. If you interested to be one of manager in there, I can give you their phone numbers then you can just contact them to have a bunch of informations! (offer)"

Ruby : "Oh really? I will consider that big chance! Who knows if maybe it's my fortune tho hahaha. Thank you Wi!""

Uwi : "No matter By. I will help you to ask them if you like too (offer)."

Ruby : "Okay. By the way, how is your essay?"

Uwi : "It is still on progress. I could say it's already done 30%. I'm still searching for other informations so I might make it better."

Ruby : "What's your topic?"

Uwi : "I took finance class and the topic is about Indonesian condition of finance during this COVID pandemic."

Ruby : "Ah nice! Do you have some reference of topic for me?"

Uwi : "I suggest you combining between economy and pandemic (suggestion). I heard it would be more interesting and useful for this year."

Ruby : "I will take it! I should go back to my HR class. See you Wi."

Uwi : "Ya! Good bye."

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